Create Repo from GitHub site.
Step 1. Create a local source control path
Step 2. Got to Git Bash
Step 3. initialize the git
Linked or remote origin
$ git remote add origin ""
$ git pull origin master
$ git status
Adding file to local repo
$ git Add file name
$ git add -A [add all]
$ git commit filename -m "commit comment"
$ git commit -a -m "commit comment" [commit all]
Push to remote server
$ git push origin master
$ git push -f origin master
Fetch [need to do merge]
$ git fetch origin master
If server file is updated than need to do Fetch
Check the commit logs
$ git log
Get list of files
There are two branches local and remote-tracking branches
- Creating different branch
$ git branch devbranch
- Switching from master to new devbranch
$ git checkout devbranch
- Similar way create and add new files in dev branch
Merge in-between branch
$ git merge origin/master
shubh@LAPTOP-SDS90F74 MINGW64 /c/GitRepos/DesignPatternLocal (master)
$ git rebase devbranch
Push to centra repo
$ git push origin devbranch
$ git push origin master
$ git checkout 894e167 revert.txt
Creating key to stop public publishing
$ ssh-keygen
$ cat /c/Users/shubh/.ssh/
Update the SSH key in github setting.
- Authenticate
$ ssh -T
Enter the pass phrase
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQCr1XkZX06v9GlSXGMZ5DBZAha0Xnqa0l2aYVQld2abQVxq7N4v8aJoNua1RtWygrsSLeEgcCyirlh8z+m5yGaV8TCZQJDNYv/CgqCVZYTN9T6OmaC6DEFfs6WNjLs9+hvPKDE7xHlUvr/ctFIoK9EDowY0nmQP64cEOVXCEo+uvBFK/mYPfk6VSWY4sPAQ2K+xGHoGXxNzly0/y0wCXqIegQU1pTHzbHfJeGEA9gTuvSGe3sayTNmFvZr2F5knl2dJDgbxGQWn/F6Mr7Vt3vd8OVpaaDdqub59inAviZq2cGdgu1Flgg8s7ZUpEvXfdKyU/cGluJmTSRqs8Hy88t7sDklyQPfrW5VKApZ7M0/P4fNKGUFM+FU+Vphph6oKYLjtCMjEMrphIMgsz9yKWemiLKMY8V2zYkl7E9geQEbjbXPOtLUAcFAfeYzT+j8nR3Ikbr1Nx4q+UJK9ceBg5SxwPCXwBrhFUTFr/gdVqkg4j1V0Pjfw96brij21aXreAB8= shubh@LAPTOP-SDS90F74
Install Git your local machine Link: Git - Downloads ( Version : git version Know the version $ git --version Git help for command $ git help config $ git config --help Prompt the git config help file in browser Make a directory $ mkdir shubhapp$ mkdir shubhapp $ cd shubhapp/ - go to directory initialize the git $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Users/shubh/shubhapp/.git/ Create a file Hello.txt Add this file to git $ git Add hello.txt Commit the changes $ git commit -a -m "commit comment" Connect to remote github $ git config --global user.usern...
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