Min Cost to Connect Ropes problem solution using PriorityQueue using C#

Given n ropes of different lengths, we need to connect these ropes into one rope. We can connect only 2 ropes at a time. The cost required to connect 2 ropes is equal to sum of their lengths. The length of this connected rope is also equal to the sum of their lengths. This process is repeated until n ropes are connected into a single rope. Find the min possible cost required to connect all ropes.

Input: ropes = [8, 4, 6, 12]
Output: 58
Explanation: The optimal way to connect ropes is as follows
1. Connect the ropes of length 4 and 6 (cost is 10). Ropes after connecting: [8, 10, 12]
2. Connect the ropes of length 8 and 10 (cost is 18). Ropes after connecting: [18, 12]
3. Connect the ropes of length 18 and 12 (cost is 30).
Total cost to connect the ropes is 10 + 18 + 30 = 58
       public static void Demo()
            //int[] Ropes = { 4, 3, 2, 6 };
            //int[] Ropes = { 8, 4, 6, 12 };
            int[] Ropes = { 1, 2, 5, 10, 35, 89 };
            //int[] Ropes = { 20, 4, 8, 2 };
            int size = Ropes.Length;
            Console.WriteLine("Mimimum Cost :" + GetMimimumCost(Ropes, size));

        private static int GetMimimumCost(int[] ropes, int size)
            if (size == 0) return 0;
            int cost = 0;
            MaxHeap priorityQueue = new MaxHeap(size);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)

            while (priorityQueue.GetSize() != 1)
                int fMin = priorityQueue.Pop();
                int sMin = priorityQueue.Pop();
                cost += fMin + sMin;
                priorityQueue.Insert(fMin + sMin);
            return cost;
abstract public class Heap
        private int Capacity;
        protected int Size;
        protected int[] Storage;

        public Heap()


        public Heap(int capacity)
            this.Capacity = capacity;
            this.Storage = new int[capacity];
            this.Size = 0;

        public int GetPeek()
            return this.Storage[0];

        public int GetSize()
            return this.Size;

        public int GetParent(int childIndex)
            return (childIndex - 1) / 2;

        public int GetLeft(int parentIndex)
            return 2 * parentIndex + 1;

        public int GetRight(int parentIndex)
            return 2 * parentIndex + 2;
        protected void Swap(int i, int j)
            int temp = this.Storage[i];
            this.Storage[i] = this.Storage[j];
            this.Storage[j] = temp;

        public void PrintHeap()
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Size; i++)
                Console.Write(this.Storage[i] + " ");

        public void Insert(int val)
            if (this.Size == this.Capacity) return;
            this.Storage[this.Size - 1] = val;
            MinHeapifyUP(this.Size - 1);

        public int Pop()
            if (this.Size == 0) throw new Exception("Heap is empty.");
            if (this.Size == 1)
                return this.Storage[0];
            this.Swap(0, this.Size - 1);
            return this.Storage[this.Size];

        protected abstract void MinHeapifyUP(int index);
        protected abstract void MinHeapifyDown(int index);


    public class DemoMinHeap : Heap

        public DemoMinHeap(int capacity) : base(capacity)

        protected override void MinHeapifyUP(int index)
            if (index == 0) return;

            int parentIndex = this.GetParent(index);
            if (this.Storage[parentIndex] > this.Storage[index])
                Swap(parentIndex, index);

        protected override void MinHeapifyDown(int index)
            if (index == this.Size) return;
            int smallestIndex = index;
            int leftIndex = this.GetLeft(index), rightIndex = this.GetRight(index);
            if (leftIndex < this.GetSize() && this.Storage[leftIndex] < this.Storage[smallestIndex])
                smallestIndex = leftIndex;

            if (rightIndex < this.GetSize() && this.Storage[rightIndex] < this.Storage[smallestIndex])
                smallestIndex = rightIndex;

            if (smallestIndex != index)
                Swap(smallestIndex, index);

    public class MaxHeap : Heap
        public MaxHeap(int capacity) : base(capacity)


        protected override void MinHeapifyUP(int index)
            if (index == 0) return;

            int parentIndex = this.GetParent(index);
            if (this.Storage[parentIndex] < this.Storage[index])
                Swap(parentIndex, index);

        protected override void MinHeapifyDown(int index)
            if (index == this.Size) return;
            int biggerIndex = index;
            int leftIndex = this.GetLeft(index), rightIndex = this.GetRight(index);
            if (leftIndex < this.GetSize() && this.Storage[leftIndex] > this.Storage[biggerIndex])
                biggerIndex = leftIndex;

            if (rightIndex < this.GetSize() && this.Storage[rightIndex] > this.Storage[biggerIndex])
                biggerIndex = rightIndex;

            if (biggerIndex != index)
                Swap(biggerIndex, index);